Why subscribe to Think?

Look for the “subscribe” button below — there’s a free option as well as a “support-a-starving-writer” option!

Well, there are a lot of reasons to subscribe to Think by MC Coolidge, but the most important one is this: it’ll be fun and I’ll make you think. I promise to write my heart (and mind) out for you. I promise to share ideas, stories, and perspectives that will piss some readers off, offer others a good laugh, shine a light on issues that affect us all, obsess about birds, and give everyone some food for thought — serious and lighthearted in equal measure.

My jones is for writing essays, op-eds, and columns. My essays and op-eds have appeared nationally (Spirituality & Health magazine), in Florida in the former Tampa Bay Times and St. Pete Times (now Tampa Bay Times), and most frequently in my hometown paper, the Sarasota Herald Tribune. I wrote weekly print newspaper columns for several years: “Sense and the City” for the Herald Trib, “Reality Chick” for the Pelican Press, and “Face Reality” for the Creative Loafing.

Why pay for Think by MC Coolidge?

A paid subscription makes you a superhero for the written word!

By subscribing to Think by MC Coolidge, you’ll be a superhero for sense and sensibility — a champion of deeper investigation of life, love, politics, local, national and global topics, aging, philosophical musings, and bird obsession. Substack sets a minimum monthly subscription of $5, but I can set my own price for annual subscribers — which I’ve done: for just $30 a year you can be a subscribing superhero!

Joining other paying Think subscribers is like being part of a community of like-minded lovers of the written word who are committed to giving a room of one’s own to Virginia Woolf, or paying Dorothy Parker’s bar tab at the Algonquin, or inspiring undying gratitude from a writer — just like Shakespeare had for Henry Wriothesley (well, okay, I’m no Bard and you’re probably not a nobleman from Tudor England, but you get the point).

In these wild and woolly times, with local newspapers giving away free column space to prominent business people instead of paying actual writers, with media outlets shrinking, and with a president waging an assault on free press and free thinking — well, being a patron of Think is one way to support the necessary exchange of deeper, sometimes challenging, thinking and ideas. And bird pics.

It’s easy-peasy.

By subscribing to Think by MC Coolidge, you won’t have to go through any newspaper website paywalls or visit other websites or search for an essay on social media — my writing (and occasional photos and images) will come right to your email inbox. Ready at your fingertips for you to read when you want. How’s that for service?

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for Think by MC Coolidge, visit Substack.com.

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"Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” — Winnie the Pooh. THINK is where you can start again.


THINK is where thoughts are shaken, stirred, and served ... for when your mind is thirsty.