Sep 20, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

Bravo, MC. Keep telling your truth!

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Sep 20, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

Having resided in NH in the late 70’s their logo always made me think and wonder…New Englanders are known for saying it like it is and/or taking no guff-as always I commend you and how you think my friend.

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Sep 20, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

I also would rather lose with the truth then win with a lie. I want to be able to sleep at night. When I do lie, if it’s not a situation where I am doing it to spare people’s feelings, I feel like a coward. Lying has become a way of life and a way to manipulate others. I work at it every day and some situations are easier then others but all I can do is try my best. Thanks for yet another thought provoking article!!

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