Nov 11, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

MC, I support your next venture, whatever it may be. Wishing you peace, my friend.


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Nov 14, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

MC -

Thanks for having the courage to share your epiphany. Better to realize it now versus 10 years, 15 years...or perhaps at the end of your life. You are young and can pivot your life.

The GIFT you have gained by slowing down and getting off the grid last week is the realization that your life is not where you want it to be. So, nothing is "fucked up." It is not where it needs to be for this stage of your life's journey.

The CHALLENGE you now face is doing something about it. My man Einstein (I don't think he knew Thoreau) said the "definition of madness is to continue to do the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome." Ergo - you will need to do some things differently to gain a different, more desirable outcome. How exciting?

The good news? You can do something about it.

By the way and along the way - be kind to yourself. You are not the only one who has experienced this type of epiphany. Don't hesitate to be selfish.

Positive Selfishness does not always mean “doing something.” Positive Selfishness is a mindset. It means setting limits and boundaries when needed. It also means saying “NO!” at times, in order to preserve much-needed energy and take care of oneself as an also urgent necessity.

MC - you are at an exciting juncture in your life. As Yogi Berra said, "when you come to a fork in the road, take it!" So, just do it!

I will be rooting for you. Here to help in any way you need.

Finally - I don't want a refund - so, take me off the list and invest it and any other $$ leftover on a good massage!

Onward and Upward!

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

Oh, MC! You do have a way with words. Knowing you as I do, I'm sure you'll get your life back on track. I too will miss Think, but support your decision. Best wishes for a speedy "unfucking" :)

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

If anyone can “unfuck” one’s life, I believe you can and will. As always I commend you for the depth you go into your soul to truly SEE, and while we all can choose to avoid things, issues, lifestyles by not truly looking ( cause that is scary), I know you will work through it and get results. I will miss Think, yet realize the gift I’ve already received is you, which will not end. Namaste my friend and carry on. XOxo

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Nov 11, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

MC, I'm really going to miss your writings. Hope you find all the things you seek.💝 May your fuckedupedness

straighten itself out.

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Nov 11, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

I am going to miss you MC Coolidge . Thank you for sharing your thoughts and making me think.

good luck and good journey.

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