Oct 10, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

I want to live while I'm alive.

MC - I love that concept - it is a palpable feeling I have every day. To be in motion. Hit a brick wall at 80 mph and just say f$%k it - dust yourself off and keep going. My dad always told me that we truly don't learn from our successes - the euphoria of achieving something takes us away and we typically don't get too reflective. He continues by saying, "it is when you get knocked off the shit wagon and are bruised, dazed, and wobbly, one tends to get a little humble and reflective. These are the character-building moments of our lives.

I love my sister's line - "you can't steer a parked car." Yup!

Faith is truly about taking steps when the path is not clear. Courage is not the absence of fear...it is acknowledging you are scared shitless and press forward anyway.

MC - yes, I have swung from the chandeliers (as you - apparently - did). I did not get caught with my skirt caught in my underwear on the dance floor (I actually got away with it! ...just kidding!).

Here's to living life to the fullest...while we can.

Thank you!

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Jim, thank you so much for reading the essay and taking the time to comment! I love your father's, your sister's, and your advice -- courage is not the absence of fear ... absolutely! Here's to living life to the fullest indeed!

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

MC - it is a pleasure. I love your writing style and provocative topics! Keep 'em coming!

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

Love. Love! Right at right time for me to read. You’re beyond a great writer and thinker. And person. I’ll wait for ad long as it takes to read Boys of Beantown.

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Oh, Su .... so glad the piece resonated with you. Glad it arrived at the right time. xoxoxoxo Thanks for believing I can write Boys .... I'm nervous as all hell. xoxoxoxo

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Congrats on your first year. This was really inspirational! Any advice for a new blogger?

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Ah, thank you unsophisticated randomness! Thanks for checking out my writing and for signing up for emails -- sooooo appreciated! Advice? Hmmmmm. 1. write from the heart and don't be afraid to lay it bare. I used to write newspaper (print) columns and the one thing that readers most seemed to connect with was when I was "real" -- it's like readers have spidey sense and can tell when a writer is writing with artiface and when they're not. 2. and this is a hard one -- try to write what's of interest to your readers/audience AND what's of interest to you as a writer -- you have to hit that sweet spot between the two. I miss that sweet spot, I'm sure, a lot, but I must hit it enough times that I keep a loyal (and MUCH appreciated) readership. 3. another hard one: MAKE THE ASK. reach out to people and invite them to sign up for free emails or to subscribe as a paying reader. I truly believe writing is a true VALUE in the world and I do believe writers should VALUE what they create. Not everyone's going to want to support with a free sign-up or a paid subscription, and that's okay. No harm. No foul. Okay, that's all I can think of right now ... now I'm off to check out your substack!

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by MC Coolidge

I have faith in you!😘

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Merci bien, Ann! C'est si bon d'avoir une amie comme toi!

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